Take a look at Linda’s blog. She lives in Des Moines, Iowa where she’s snowed in and it’s so cold that even her dog Hogan would rather be home in front of the fire than going for his walk!
After watching her video clips of huge snowdrifts, arduous snow-blowing and blizzard conditions I thought I’d pop over to my iGoogle home page to check on the current temperature here in Sydney, Australia.
Would you believe this?!?!?It looks as if we’re currently colder than chilly Des Moines!
- and I’m sitting here in a strappy summer top, with the windows wide open .
So what’s your problem, Linda? (Very VERY big grin!)
[I must add that this particular Sydney weather widget was set up on my homepage a couple of years ago - for Sydney Australia - and has been working perfectly well providing me with my local weather conditions until today. I think Chris (see Comments) is probably right. My widget has wandered waaaaay off course!]
Maybe it's Sydney in Nova Scotia?