I try to make such occasions as simple as possible. Anyone who offers to bring food is embraced with gratitude and asked to bring a salad (no last minute fiddling for me!). I use disposable plastic plates - but real cutlery and wine glasses! We provide the meat, on this occasion several large rumps of beef roasted on the barbie, and for dessert I make a selection of slices and tarts, easy finger food.
Last week my mother gave me a copy of the new book, "4 Ingredients" by Kim McCosker and Rachael Bermingham, and I must share with you a great tart recipe I found in it. Like all the recipes in this clever little book, it uses just 4 ingredients and is foolproof for a "dummy" like me. You can see these little beauties in the photo above.
Caramel Ginger Tarts
12 ginger nut bickies
400g can Nestle Top 'n' Fill Caramel
1/2 tub whipped cream
1 banana (optional, IMHO)
Place cookies on the individual circles of a patty cake tin and bake in 150 degrees C oven for 10 minutes. Remove and gently mould the softened bickies so they make shallow tart cases. When cool, add enough caramel to fill each bickie. Top with a dob of whipped cream and a slice of banana (I left this off).
They are absolutely delicious!
The ginger biscuit cases are also yummy filled with lemon juice/condensed milk mixture, or with homemade lemon curd (lemon butter).