
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

God the Quiltmaker

Have you ever stumbled upon a blog with an absolutely amazing name and thought “I wish I’d come up with that!”


It happens to me every week, except that my imagination would never stretch far enough to come up with some of the clever, cute or just plain hilarious blog names I’ve seen, and being just a wee bit curious in nature I often wonder how these bloggers have settled on them.


I’m not the only one. This week Dawn’s pondering blog names too, and has asked us to write a post about how we came up with them and to link back to her blog. So here goes …

Roebuck Top Finished Medium Web view

By now you’ll have noticed a recurrent theme in the quilts you see here – they’re all scrappy! Yes, I love using lots and lots of different fabrics in my quilts, the more the merrier Smile.


Not only are my quilts scrappy and filled with a variety of fabrics, but my life is full of endless variety, never dull, and always busy.

There are days of glorious sunshine and special relationships, days of contentment, and there are times when I feel bogged down in the humdrum, or challenged to the limit by something very un-pretty happening I my life.

But as time goes by and I look back I can see that “God the Quiltmaker” has been using these dark or uninteresting times, along with the beautiful moments, to make the special and unique creation that is My Life – just as there is a place in the best scrap quilts for the less attractive fabrics as well as those that grab the limelight..


“snippets ‘n’ Scraps” seemed appropriate for a blog that I hoped would contain posts about everything and anything in my life I decided to share.

You’ve watched me make quilts, sometimes with my quilting buddy Di B, you’ve said kind things about my cooking (the photos anyway!), you’ve come along on holidays with me, you’ve shared my joy and my sorrow as babies were born and our precious Chloe and my darling father passed away, and you’ve encouraged my talented but self-effacing quilting friends when I’ve blown their trumpets for them here.

Snippets ‘n’ Scraps indeed.



Now pop on over to Dawn’s blog to see the links to everyone else’s posts on this fascinating subject.


Just a snippet before you go…

Anonymous left this comment today on my blog post “The quilt formerly known as Joseph’s Coat”.

Is there anywhere I could get this pattern? I know you have given us the book no. etc. but do you know of anyone who is willing to part with their magazine if they no longer need it? I would SO LOVE to do this quilt - the pieced way of course.    Irene

Not only can I not identify Irene because she has no blogger profile and has chosen to be Anonymous, but sadly she has her comments set to “No reply” so I can’t contact her even if I find a copy of the magazine she’s after.

Irene, I’m not ignoring you. Please contact me through my email (on my Profile page) so I can have your contact details.

And any of my readers who think I’m downright rude because I don’t reply to their lovely comments, please check your settings to be sure you’re not a “no reply” blogger. If you are, this tutorial from Jodie at Pleasant Home will show you what to do so we can enjoy our conversations Smile


  1. Di, I have always loved your blog title. It was the incentive for me to pick my blog name (Quilty Threads - the play being on Threads.... I know what you mean though. :) So many very imaginative and quirky names. My only regret is that I didn't set up an email quiltythreadsatxdotcom instead of using lindijanej.

  2. What a lovely post, Di. It's so nice to see all your beautiful quilts again. And you ARE quite clever! I enjoy how you write, and the way you approach life... every snippet 'n scrap of it.

    Another blogger I follow does "The Name Game" every Monday, having a guest blogger tell about how they named their blog. It is interesting.

  3. I'm glad Dawn initiated this! What fun!

  4. Amen! Glorious name for an inspiring blog!

  5. I am thrilled to death with this link party . I am meeting some wonderful quilters and your blog is now on my list of favorite places to visit.

  6. What a wonderful post!! Such a lovely summary of your blog. I think your blog name is one of the really clever names!!

  7. Love your scrappy quilts! Your blog name suits your style all right!


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