
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Scatterday M - Week 15

Scatterday M - Week 15
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
Hmmm, this week's challenge was a little more thought-provoking than usual, and had me on the prowl for items with which I could do some serious harm.....

TEXTURE - Here we have a jar of Alexanne's favourite baby food, and its texture, appropriately enough for a little tot, is MUSHY!!

WEAPON - Being by nature a peace-loving soul, this one had me stumped for most of the week. In vain I wandered the house looking for a MACHETE, a MALLET, a MONKEY WRENCH, or even some MACE. Then, with the arrival of the first "blowy" of summer, I had it - a rolled up MAGAZINE! You might not think this much of a weapon, but if you were a blowfly I think you'd be seriously impressed by it!



  1. Very nice and thinking outside the square. Would never have thought of a rolled up magazine as a weapon and the mushy is a great texture.

  2. Yeah you did done good once again Di... Rolled up Magazine indeed!! LOL and thank goodness I don't have to eat mushy anymore!

  3. Good job with mushy! a rolled up magazine deliver a hefty swipe, I think I might have swatted a cheeky child's bottom with one many years ago! :-) I'd probably go to prison nowadays!

  4. Love the magazine. Do that all the time and would never have thought of it. Wonder how many of us squeeze quilting in as hobby somehow?

  5. What excellent ideas, Di. And amid the multitude of M weapons, you found the elegant simplicity of a Magazine - very clever.

  6. A magazine is a great weapon, especially if it's full of ammunition in a machine gun LOL.

  7. Very clever Di! I don't think I'd like to swatted by a magazine, so that makes it a weapon to me!


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