
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Scatterday K - Week 16

Scatterday K - Week 16
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks.

Upon receiving this week's assignment I sank into a mire of despair. I had an extraordinarily demanding week ahead of me, culminating in hosting a 60th birthday party on Friday evening, and babysitting 8 months old Alexanne on Saturday while having the carpets shampooed at home, and taking her to a wedding and reception.

I'll be lucky to even think straight, I thought, let alone sparkle with original ideas and brilliant examples of lateral thinking like Rooruu and Nola. And the letter K ? - well, I ask you!!!

However, as I plodded through the daily tasks I began to see more and more K items! My spirits rose considerably! By the end of the week I had a veritable gallery of photos to present to you, dear reader, and I was feeling mighty chuffed, I can tell you.

Well, 3 hours spent trying to upload my snapshots to Flickr tonight has taken the wind out of my sails, and at 1.20am I just want to go to bed...

So, with a quiet smile and much relief I hand in my homework for this week.

The first category is Blue Things -
Here I give you a blue Kombi Van, which has obligingly been parked in the street outside my home since Wednesday, a ball of blue Knitting yarn, and a row of blue and white houses which are Keepsakes which the airline KLM used to give to passengers about 40 years ago, filled with gin. Cute!

The next was Dangerous Things -
Everyone knows that a little Knowledge is a dangerous thing, and so I have 2 very aged books, a legacy from my grandmother - "Consult Me" and "Enquire Within Upon Everything". If you were to believe the claims within, with these 2 volumes in hand you could cure most ailments and remove every stain known to man, and much more.

Finally, In Your Neighbourhood -
The park down the hill has a Kiosk, not shown at its best in this rather distant shot, and in the bay beside the park are many, many yachts moored in the marina outside the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. I don't know what to look for but I'm sure at least one must be a Ketch. While I was capturing these shots I also noticed a "K" carved on a tree in the park. There are two Kindergartens in my street, one right next door and one run out of our church hall where I also have my Sunday morning creche. Of course the church - Kirk - is here too, and only a stone's throw from the genteel suburb of Darling Point is the lively King's Cross.

I add the usual disclaimer that I have steadfastly resisted the temptation to look at any of my fellow Scatterdaisies' blogs yet, lest I'm influenced by their choices, and so I might just take a quick peek before I don the PJs and drag myself off to bed. It's been a big day....


  1. Well done, Di. Your busy week turned out to be full of opportunity!

  2. what interesting reading in your busy life.

  3. LOL 'A little Knowledge' OK you win! David says to tell you he likes it too.

  4. I found your K photos that I missed last week. What a good selection you had - talk about klever!


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