
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Scatterday T - Week 14

Scatterday T - Week 14
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
Election Scatterday is brought to you by the letter T.

Clothing - Whe I saw this T-shirt a few years ago I simply had to have it - its message always makes me smile! Wonder who paid attention in Latin classes at school and can put up her hand and tell me what it says...

My Purple thing is a Tree. At this time of year the gorgeous jacaranda dominates the landscape, absolutely covered in glorious purple blooms with hardly a leaf to be seen. Here is just a branch from a big one in the harbourside park at the end of our street.

And finally, my Hot thing is, of course, a mug of Tea, brought to me by my DH.

Off to vote now...


  1. I think your t-shirt is ABSOUTELY FABULOUS! rotfl

  2. a cup of tea delivered! now that is special. Happy voting you are gettting in early. We are going to walk up to the school later, wear the girls out I hope.

  3. hmmmm no Latin taught in school when I went Di, but I am thinking
    "Maximum Fabulous"..
    My mum is a linguistics tutor at university and if she was in the country I would of rang her and asked her first.. LOL


  4. No Latin from me but on a casual look it sings of a fab English TV show. Am I close? And Jacarandas! They are everywhere and do you think I realised they were a purple thing starting with T?!?!?

  5. I didn't do Latin at School Di but I think your 'T' Shirt says you are 'Big Time Fantabulous' :-)

  6. Didn't do Latin at school. But love the jacaranda and miss them since we moved south again.

  7. I'm guessing here - does it say Absolutely Fabulous?
    The Jacaranda tree are wonderful this time of year aren't they

  8. Gosh, girls, what a canny bunch you all are! Even those who claimed no knowledge of Latin managed to get close to the correct answer - "Absolutely Fabulous"!!!! for my T-shirt. A gold star to Kate for being first with her hand in the air and answering correctly - and a silver star to the rest of you!

  9. Ah, that's three of us with jacarandas - they're just beautiful! I don't drink tea, so it never occurred to me...

  10. I'm enjoying your Scatterdays, Di.
    I had thought of entering the game, actualy had 3 weeks worked out but didn't get time to take the photos, so decided not to go ahead.
    Anyway, here's something I am doing. Soozii has challenged us to decorate our blog for Christmas. You're so good at blogging, I'd love to see what you would do.


I love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment.