Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Grandi Bragging Zone # 2

With a very proud Grandi
With a doting Grampa

With a very happy Great-Grandmother (Nana)

With Uncle Lachy and Aunty Merry

Our perfect little princess!


  1. CONGRATS and welcome to your newest little one. So has she got a quilt already?!

  2. Of course, Caitlin LOL. Have a look a few entries back on the blog and you'll see a photo. I'm already thinking about the next one, though :-)

  3. Hi Di,
    I just posted a comment - but then I had to register and my comment has been lost into cyber space.
    Your little princess is indeed lovely and congratulations to her Mummy and Daddy and Grandi and Grandpa as well.
    Bye now
    Kay dungavell

  4. What a beautiful little one, you can feel the love in the photos. They don't take long to fall into your heart, do they?

  5. What a special occasion for you all nothing like a brand new baby to make everyone feel good.

  6. OK you won!!!!
    If my grandbaby is half as gorgeous as yours I will be happy
    Congratulations to you all
    Love Di (nanna in waiting)xxxxxx


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