
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Channelling Martha Stewart – A Princess Cake!

Last week The Princess turned 3 (Apparently you grow blue fairy wings when you turn 3) and the task of making the birthday cake was entrusted to me.
After a frantic and fruitless last-minute rummage among the recipe books for that “bible” of party cakes, the Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Book, I found myself working without a safety net!
Since anything princess-related makes her little face break out in the widest smile I decided to make a Princess Cake. IMG_3750
Who’d have thought a grandma could have such fun with a pressure-pack can of pink icing and a jar of assorted pink sprinkles?!IMG_3760
IMG_3763  IMG_3767 I think they liked it!  And you have to admit it’s an improvement on last year’s caterpillar cake!

Note: The Princess does not have overly rosy cheeks! - her talented and artistic Mummy face-painted her and all the party guests.


  1. It's gorgeous!!! What is it with caterpillar cakes? My mum (with the help of that women's weekly book which was around with many of the same pics when I was a kid!!) made that for me year after year... I soooo wanted the bunny!! (or anything with chocolate cake in the middle!). Did your princess get a new barbie out it as well?

  2. Beautiful, Di! She looks gorgeous, and so does the cake. 3 years already? My oh my. How fast it goes.

  3. There is no end to the wonderful handwork this Groovy Granny can produce! It is really fantastic that you can share in Xan's life so closely and are able to have such a special bond. She is one lucky young lady and so fortunate to have such a beautiful family. The cake is a masterpiece - congrats!!

  4. Her little fairy-ness is as sweet as can be, and you worked your magic with that can of pink frosting. Wow! All are adorable. I am taking birthday party notes for my own grandies. Thanks for sharing!


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