
Monday, April 5, 2010

At my house – Easter is joyful

Two sights in the last couple of days have made me gasp with joy and dive for my camera.

On Good Friday, as I walked home from church, I happened to look up at the brilliant blue sky and see a skywriter creating this -IMG_3657 The Bible Society had been denied a place at the Sydney Royal Easter Show this year to promote “Jesus, All About Life” - but undaunted they took their message to the sky.

Then last night our little granddaughter and her talented Mummy brought us in some decorated hard-boiled Easter eggs bearing an uncanny resemblance to a couple of old folks we know :-))IMG_3733  They make me smile every time I pass the table!

What's going on at your house today? this week? Pop over to Buttonsbyloulou and add your name on the link list on her blog so we can stop by and check out your place. Ordinary things, special things, give us a glimpse...


  1. Those eggs are adorable. Now I can see what you look like :) Thanks for playing along. Lou.

  2. So glad you had a chance to see the skywriting. Gosh, that's been going on in Sydney for a long time!

    You and Boak are adorable. That little girl is quite the artist! Makes me smile too.


I love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment.