
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Inspiration is everywhere

Every St Mark's Quilter is different, but whether she's someone who picks her fabrics without hesitation, already knowing what she wants to do, or whether she spends half the day auditioning fabrics, matching, comparing and rejecting, the quilts that are created in our monthly Saturday workshops always have loads of child appeal.

Inspiration is everywhere, as any keen quilter who's ever stopped in his or her tracks to take an iPhone photo of a shopping centre floor knows!

So, just for fun, last Saturday while everyone was busy creating I took my Big Red camera out into our peaceful church garden away from the whirring machines, and photographed some of the colours and shapes I found. Then I combined these with photos of the fabrics and quilts our quilters were working with inside the hall, and created some colour boards...


A sunny Blanket of Love by Perdita


Pinning in progress on Sophie and Susan's latest quilt for "The Marcia" 

Di B finished machine quilting her cute blue and white 'Li'l Twister' quilt, a Blanket of Love for RPA Newborn Care. Now for the binding😟


With sixteen little houses on the front, and little people scattered across the backing, there's plenty of amusement to be had making up stories about which people live in which house. Di C loved that house fabric, and designed the quilt around that. It's destined for a little child at "The Marcia"

Blanket of Love by Gail 


Quilt for "The Marcia" kindy, by Barb

And Pink

Quilt for "The Marcia" kindy by Sophie and Susan

See our latest Blankets of Love and Kindy Quilts for The Marcia by clicking on the tabs above.


  1. what lovely spring colours....summers colours and fall....welll all have captured such beauty di.

  2. What a fun idea! It shows that winter doesn't have to be dull and colourless, doesn't it? Is the plant in the top right photo a succulent? Such an interesting colour.

  3. Beautiful photos Di...and I love the sleepy dog in your last photo :)

  4. You take such wonderful photos. I like your colour groupings interspersed with the beautiful quilts.

  5. you can find inspiration everywhere. Love your colour boards. What is The Marcia? Lots of lovely quilts heading their way


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