
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My 2014 Word for the Year, and the journey begins 

Well, my year has started on a reasonably (for me) productive note, with a growing stack of Economy Blockalong blocks waiting to have their bunny ears trimmed off and be cut down to size.


I like to chain stitch them, first pinning the triangles in place and stackng them beside the machine ready for the assembly line.

Then on a bright a summer's day last week it seemed appropriate to use some of my very favourite, sunny Kaffe Fassett fabrics to make these padded coat hangers.

Speaking of hang-ups (how's that for a segue?), have you seen this woman lately?

She used to be so adventurous, hugging tigers in Thailand, riding camels in the Middle East, roaring through the Arabian desert on the back of a clapped out ute following in the steps of Lawrence of Arabia...

But after seeing a precious life extinguished in seconds, she's so conscious of the fragility of life that she's becoming afraid of her own shadow.

You've probably realized by now that I'm talking about myself, a bit of a 'cowardy custard' these days without my man.

So when blogging friends started writing about their Word for 2014 and asking me for mine I felt it was time to take a good hard look at myself and decide on a characteristic I'd like to embrace this year.


That's it. My Word for 2014. And I'm going to need a humongous dose of it.

As I write this I'm sitting at a departure gate about to embark on a huge adventure, I'm on my way to Africa to visit my friend Wendi, a quilter, in Zimbabwe for a few days, and then I'm Botswana bound, to see Sarah. She lives in a country where, as far as I can gather, deadly snakes, spiders and scorpions abound, rhinos charge, baboons will abscond with your groceries, and roaring lions prowl the bush at night. I'm not sounding very courageous yet, am I?

On my way, traveling alone for the first time, I have to negotiate airports I've never been to before, and learn to cope with take-offs without anxiously grasping the arm of the surprised stranger seated beside me.

My phone is loaded with recordings of some of Boak's sermons, so I can listen to his wise words, and Di B has made me some pretty luggage tags.

Another friend has given me a new jacket in my very favourite colour to keep me dry in the tropical downpours Southern Africa is currently experiencing.

I have my hand sewing packed in a gorgeous Korean quilted satin bag that my daughter-in-law's mother gave me.

And Sarah and Wendi are forming a texting cheer squad to encourage me on the journey. I feel surrounded by so much love!

Best of all, I have this promise...




  1. Have a wonderful time! and savour every moment.

  2. What a great post! My daughter's word for 2014 is Courage as well. It's such a great one. I'm getting ready for a little adventure myself, but only for a weekend. Your post has given me courage. I will be praying for you...enjoy!

  3. I don't know much I do know that you are a woman of substance and one I admire. So glad you are off on this journey and I hope that you have fun. Courage will surely follow. This I know.

  4. Bon voyage dear Di.
    Fare well and he happy.

  5. It's another first for you Di and I have complete faith in you. Having the knowledge that you are being looked over by Boak and he has you in his hands will make the trip so much more comfortable for you as he wouldn't let anything happen to you. It's just those first tentative steps. Have an absolutely amazing trip,safe travels and watch yourself grow. xxx

  6. Have a fabulous time, and tell us all about it!

  7. have fun! looking forward to seeing your photos - it always takes time to the curve ball life throws at you.

  8. It is always daunting travelling on your own for the first time after having a good travelling companion at but once you are up and away there will be no stopping you. Have a wonderful tip always leave enough time for the unexpected at airports.

  9. It is always daunting travelling on your own for the first time after having a good travelling companion at but once you are up and away there will be no stopping you. Have a wonderful tip always leave enough time for the unexpected at airports

  10. It is always daunting travelling on your own for the first time after having a good travelling companion at but once you are up and away there will be no stopping you. Have a wonderful tip always leave enough time for the unexpected at airports

  11. I think you have shown lots of courage in the year and a bit. The fact that you are travelling to foreign shores just confirms its. Have a great trip, look forward to the photos!

  12. You are courageous taking the first steps in the next part of your journey. Love your quote - it is so true!! Have a blast and take lots of pictures so we can enjoy this fabulous journey with you! Blessings :)

  13. I already know you're being courageous to take this trip! And I know exactly how you're feeling. Such a long way to go, alone. You know, I know what I'm talking about! Remember the United flight that was forced to return to Sydney? You CAN do this girlfriend, and have a marvelous time in the process. I'm proud of you for all you've overcome in the past 18 months. Your faith is strong, and you're leaning on the Lord. What more help can you need? Bless you. Enjoy! Can't wait to see pics of your adventures.

  14. I truly hope you have a wonderful trip. I was so pleased to see you end with that scripture -- it's the first one that came to mind when you said you lacked courage!


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