
Friday, February 28, 2014

Lightning fast

The only thing moving at lightning pace in Kasane this morning was ... well ... lightning. 

As usual the internet crawled at the speed of an arthritic snail. That is, when it moved at all. The power went down. Then came on, to everyone's relief. Then went off again. Several times. It's pretty normal, and I'm learning to accept it as just one of those things you can't change. It's good for me.

Thunder rolled ominously all morning, and by lunchtime the darkest storm clouds I've ever seen had moved in and shafts of vertical lightning lit up the sky. The rain, when it came, was something of an anticlimax compared to the dramatic build-up

Just after lunch came a phone call from the airport. CARACAL  (Centre for African Resources: Animals, Communities And Land use) is also known locally as 'the snake park' because we have many captive native African snakes on exhibit. Around here, if you find a snake you call CARACAL. The airport folks had a snake.

Sarah quickly grabbed her snake wrangling tools, I armed myself with my camera and a VERY long lens 😳 and Sarah's colleague Zach went along to help her because, goodness knows, there's no way I'd be any help!

Our snake was small, perhaps 40cm long and as thick as a finger, and Sarah and Zach both agreed that it was a Herald Snake. 

After being trapped under a traffic control post until we arrived, he had an injured back, but by the time we arrived back at CARACAL he had perked up and settled into his new surroundings quite readily.

These traffic control guys were very bemused to see a young woman handling a snake so confidently. 

Reading up about this fellow, it seems he's the kind of snake I've been afraid of all along - nocturnal, commonly found in gardens and 'bites readily'. Yikes! I'd run a mile if I stumbled on one of these in my garden at night, tiny or not.

By the way, I forgot to tell you about the spitting cobra that escaped from its case a few days before I arrived. Just like everyone forgot to tell me😜. The good news is that he was found two days ago. Phew! That's another snake I wouldn't like to have met face to face.

 I moved mighty fast on Sunday afternoon, this time as a pillion passenger on a motor bike! Sarah and I were taken for a spin, by two very kind friends, into Chobe National Park, and I actually surprised myself by loving the ride.

Sarah took this action shot with her iPhone as she and her friend sped past us.


What a thrilling way to see Botswana!


  1. Dear Girl,
    Your many adventures are FUN. So happy happy that you are recording them for prosperity and your blog readers!

  2. The clouds were ominous, snakes terrifying and the motorcycles look fabulous!! You are certainly having an event-filled holiday!! I feel like I am right there with you - thank you!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! I'm shaking my head all the way through these blog posts. Really incredible stuff, Di. You won't be the same person after all these experiences!

  4. You had the most amazing time in Africa, settling down when you came home must have been quite difficult! Or perhaps you were pleased to be back to normality!

    I fell off the blog-wagon in late February. We made an offer on a house, unexpectedly, which was accepted and eight weeks later we moved. No time for reading blog posts. Since the move, I've not found the time or inclination to catch up until now while we are enjoying two weeks holiday in Northern NSW. So, I am reading all your posts from this point forward -- please forgive me if I don't comment much; so many posts, not enough time! See you at the other end of my marathon! ;-)


I love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment.