
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sharing the love

With Margie Flint, from ‘The Marcia’, due to pop in at lunchtime yesterday to collect the latest batch of kindy quilts by St Mark’s Quilters there were plenty of heads down as busy fingers stitched bindings, sewed labels on, and even planned and started new quilts.

St Mark's Quilters October 20131

I’m delighted to tell you that we sent off a total of 45 cot-sized quilts with Margie and her husband, Terry, leaving them just enough room to squeeze into their carBe right back.


Every little boy or girl who enrols at the KU Marcia Burgess Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre (aka ‘The Marcia’) receives a quilt made by a St Mark’s Quilter. This is a quilt for keeps, to be loved and used in whatever way they choose.

It’s like a big hug from us.

We don’t expect thanks, but yesterday Margie brought us two special surprises.


A touching Thank You card from the staff, with accompanying photos (which, for privacy reasons I can’t share with you) of some of the children with their quilts and even smiling shyly. Yes, smiling!




To see these beautiful autistic children looking so happy is incredibly heartwarming, and we’ll keep and treasure this card.

The other gift - an impressively boxed carrot cake! - was equally appreciated, but quickly disappeared as everyone enjoyed a slice.  Margie even brought pretty plates, and paper napkins resembling pieced nine-patch blocks.IMG_6764


Thank you very much, Margie and the KU ladies. We’ll work for cake any timeWinking smile.

Red roseDi


  1. As a former teacher of children on the spectrum, this brought goosebumps!! I am very touched by your generous work. I've tried to involve my little sewing group, but they just don't seem to be able to see beyond their own projects. I got them to each make a block, which made up into two sweet quilts, but guess who is the only one working on finishing them. Oh, well!!

  2. Just as well you have that trolley to carry the quilts! What an impressive tally, well worth the thanks you all received.

  3. how sweet and that they had the cards made up specially for you all - after all you really don't find a card in the market that is thanking a quilter right! love that cake - carrot is my favorite I must make one soon. You all look like you are enjoying your time together as well and that is a plus any day of the week isn't it.

  4. What wonderful expressions of their appreciation! You all deserve these thanks - the card, photos, and carrot cake. I'm very proud of all of you for what you do.


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