
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A moving day

Since Boak’s death I’ve been often called brave, strong, even amazing. I’m none of these.

As I sat in the peaceful front garden of the house that has been my home for the last 11 years, drinking my morning coffee and waiting for the removalists to arrive, I felt far from strong.

In fact I dissolved into a most uninspiring puddle of tears. What brought it on was the sudden blinding realisation that I was moving on, physically, to a place where Boak had never been, and I felt so alone and inadequate.


In a curious way this beautiful Victorian sandstone rectory has ‘hugged’ me as I’ve worked through my grief as best I could with the chaos going on around me this year. I’ve felt close to Boak, and in my familiar surroundings it’s been easy to feel God’s comforting arms.


IMG_5253So many memories.

The Princess and her parents lived with us here for 5 years, and it was from this house that the Princess and her mummy walked with her attendants to the church down the road where Boak married her parents, Ben and Sunny, just 4 weeks before he left us.


We erected a marquee in the garden for Lachy’s and Merry’s wedding reception 5 years earlier, and over the years we lived there this beautiful rectory, designed by Edmund Blacket and built in 1849, was the setting for engagement parties, baby showers, 21st birthdays, 60th birthday parties, countless dinners (including a Vice-regal occasion) and church family gatherings. There’s been much laughter and tears, but now it’s time to move on and allow another family to create a home within those massive sandstone walls.


Amazingly I’ve found many of those aspects of my physical environment that I loved so much in my old home (left hand photos) right here in my new neighbourhood (right hand photos).  IMG_5537






Admittedly I have to share some of them with my neighbours, but they make me feel happy to wake up to every morning, and Chester has a spring in his step.


I know I’m not really alone, and while the sun might have set on one stage of life, now that I’ve made the move I’m enjoying the view and finally feeling positive about what the future might hold.

Red roseDi

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August Photo a Day Digest [1]

Since it’s been the most significant event to happen to me in the last month,  today’s photos are mostly associated with my big move. Apologies for the couple of shots I’ve used previously, but I think they’re worth another look Smile.

Day 1 – Something beginning with N. Nuts!Day 1 - Something beginning with N

Day 2 – Incomplete. My bed half-deconstructed on moving day.

Day 2 - Incomplete

Day 3 – Skyline. I enjoy this view every evening from my new abode.Day 3 - Skyline

Day 4 – Fresh. Flowers to welcome me here.Day 4 - Fresh

Day 5 – Early. Early sunshine on my street.Day 5 - Early

Day 6 – This means a lot to me. Friendship.Day 6 - This means a lot

Day 7 – A sign.Day 7 - A sign

Red rose Di

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Hello! I’m back (did you miss me?) and I’m blogging from my new home!



It’s not very far from my old home and my friends, but there are some big and delightful differences and I’m looking forward to sharing them with you and showing you round the neighbourhood very soon.


The real estate agent delivered a welcome hamper the day after I moved in, which probably wasn’t too surprising but warmed my heart and made me feel very welcome nevertheless.IMG_5492

Here are just some of my wonderful girlfriends who helped me with last minute packing before just before moving day, then unpacking the essentials at this end, assembling my bed and installing the washing machine (clever Sandy), dog-sitting Chester, and cooking a hearty, welcoming casserole, along with a delicious cake and a slice.


They, and my thoughtful son, also arrived laden with flowers!IMG_5347


Day 4 - Fresh

Finally, kudos galore should go to the City of Sydney Council for this official welcome pack I picked up from the local library, with information on everything from safe bike riding, to responsible pet ownership for apartment dwellers, to zumba classes for seniors.

Don’t you just love the bright hand-painted pot that came with a packet of coriander seeds from the Green Square Growers!



It’s been almost 12 months since Boak left us but with this move I’m finally feeling more positive about the future and looking forward to settling into my new home – with Chester, of course!IMG_5386

Red rose Di