
Saturday, June 8, 2013

To Tasmania with love

The St Mark’s Quilters came together for our June workshop today under leaden skies and chilly air, thinking of our friends in even colder Dunalley (Tasmania). This town (population little more than 300) lost its school, police station and bakery, as well as  dozens of homes, in a devastating bushfire on 4th January this year.

Two weeks ago, with the assistance of Toll who gave their services for nothing, Di B and I were able to send them a box of 16 bright and cosy quilts made by our group. Here’s how our local newspaper reported our group’s gift.TeamDi


Inside our church hall today we kept warm doing what we love best, monkeying around with fabric and making quilts.


Quilting team Susan and Sophie have been very busy since we last met, and arrived with three sweet little Blankets of Love for RPA Hospital’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit.






Margaret must have visions of hexagons dancing in front of her eyes after this lot! A pink and a blue Blanket of Love.



Inspired by Di B’s demonstration of the simple Shoo Fly block last month Margaret made all these from primary coloured fabrics in her scrap bins. How effective is that! This quilt, and those that follow, is going to an autistic preschooler at the KU Marcia Burgess Autism Specific and Early Learning Centre (otherwise known as “The Marcia” – for obvious reasons!).


Here’s another scrap quilt (below) from Margaret, using the quilt-as-you-go technique.


Barb’s enjoying having more time to make quilts in her retirement. She arrived with these beauties.








 There’s just too much for one blog post, so please pop on over to the next one.

Red rose Di

1 comment:

  1. Toooo cute! Such great colors for children, and that Shoofly quilt is smashing! It's well-deserved that you, Di, and St. Mark's Quilters were written-up in a newspaper. You all do such generous work! I wish I could attend to help. Bless you all.


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