
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May Photo a Day Digest 1

Day 30 - Glasses

(April) Day 30 – Glasses

Day 1 - I bought this

(May) Day 1 – I bought this.

Day 2 - Morning Ritual

Day 2 – Morning ritual

Chester wakes up hungry, so absolutely nothing happens until he’s had his breakfast. It takes him about 20 seconds!

Day 3 - This is reallly good!

Day 3 – This is really good!

Regular readers will know I’m facing the prospect of moving to a new home later this year (once we find one) where I’ll need to ask permission to keep Chester.

It’s out of the question for me to sneak in my daughter Sarah’s two cats that I’ve been minding as well, so they needed to be re-homed (the younger cat) or put to sleep (the older one). After much agonising over finding new homes for Satchmo and Poodie things turned out unexpectedly well.

Satchmo, the younger cat, has found a comfortable new home with an elderly lady who loves and spoils him, and Poodie, the elderly one, was rescued from euthanasia by our vet. Poodie is now living out her remaining days as the vet clinic’s “charity cat”, enjoying pats and cuddles from all the staff and clients.

I’m loving the fact that after many years of sharing my bed with a warm, furry body sniggled up to me – and shedding hair all over the bedding – I can finally sleep under one of my special quilts, the heart quilt made for me by the English Quilt girls last year. This is really good!


Day 4 - In my cup

Day 4 – In my cup – it’s me!

Day 5 - Paper

Day 5 – Paper

Our Marriage Certificate

Today I enjoyed happy memories and was thankful to God for 40 years of marriage to a tender, complex, devoted, irritating, beautiful, honourable, obsessive, handsome, wise, strong-willed, compassionate and loving man. Today would have been our 41st anniversary. I miss him every day and will love him always.

Day 6 - Broken

Day 6 – Broken

Broken car parts glinting in the sun on the side of the road.

Red rose Di


  1. Thinking of you and thanking God for the time you had together!

  2. They say a picture tells a thousand words, your photos say a million. I'm gladyou got to sleep under the heart quilt on your wedding anniversary. and its wonderful it worked out for Satchmo and Poodie and they have happy new homes.


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