
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Photo a Day Digest 4

Day 23 - Time

Day 23 – Time

April is the very best time to visit the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, when the trees wear their glorious autumn colours. I took my daughter Sarah’s cat MoMo to his new home here today.

Day 24 - I saw this person today

Day 24 – I saw this person today

This is my darling, cheeky friend, Moo. I saw her today but since she’s a little camera-shy I thought I’d use this shot taken at another time.

Day 25 - Life is...

Day 25 – Life is……   

Fragile. Needs no explanation.

Day 26 - Childhood

Day 26 – Childhood

It seems I had dimples, even from a very early age Be right back

Day 27 - Earth

Day 27 – Earth

With much tender loving care the bare earth left where the builders killed the grass has sprouted and become a healthy looking green lawn again.

Day 28 - My Sunday

Day 28 – My Sunday


Day 29 – I wore this today

Loving my new made-by-me selvage Stable Bag Be right back

Red rose Di


  1. Deee-lightful post!! You're as cute as can be!! Love that bag!

  2. Lovely photos -- as usual. You've done a great job restoring the grass - we despair at DD's house of even getting weeds to take root (where we've ripped out gardens) in time for the tenants to move in!

  3. Glorious autumn trees! Weren't you the cutest little thing ever? *grin*

  4. Lovely photos...again! You were cute as a baby and still are!!

  5. You do take lovely photos, Di. :) I enjoy your pics.


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