
Monday, April 8, 2013

March Photo a Day Digest 5

Oh dear! Looking at my photos from the last week in March - Words with Friends, crosswords, my bedside lamp, storage boxes, selfie-snapping and Chester – clearly I need to get out more Smile

Day 26 - Something you did

Day 26 – Something you did.

Took Chester for a romp in the park.

Day 27 - Pair

Day 27 – Pair

Two gorgeous labs, Chester with his friend Muffin.

Day 28 - In the mirror

Day 28 – In the mirror

Day 29 - Goodnight

Day 29 – Goodnight

Day 30 - Relax

Day 30 – Relax

I love cryptic crosswords (but can’t remember when I last finished one!)

Day 31 - Stuff

Day 31 – Stuff

So many books boxed up and ready to donate to the university book fair.

Day 1 - Play

(April) Day 1 – Play

I play this game every day with friends around the world.

Red rose Di


  1. You seem to be finding ways to mix pleasure with pain!

  2. Interesting photos - what's the game?

  3. Great pics! You're beating me at photography AND Words With Friends!


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