
Friday, March 29, 2013

St Mark’s Quilters in March

Our March workshop was certainly a busy one, with many of us working on bright scrappy bed-sized quilts for victims of the summer bushfires in Tasmania.


We’re using Amanda Jean Nyberg’s pattern from her book Sunday Morning Quilts (you can buy it from Amazon using my Search box on the right), and having a ball trying out different colour combinations.

Some are quite nicely colour co-ordinated, like Di C’s here.


This quilt’s blocks are being made from a jelly roll.


Another jelly roll beauty.


Others are just a gorgeous, exuberant riot of colour, using scraps from our SMQ offcuts box.


Doesn’t this finished quilt just make you smile Open-mouthed smile


We’re never short of smiles at SMQ workshops. Here’s Moo binding a quilt for “The Marcia”, the kindy for autistic children that we support.


Perdita’s aqua and red kindy quilt was taking shape.


Gail helped Amanda to get started on quilting her latest little Blanket of Love.


The biggest smile of all came from Margaret, who was celebrating her 87th birthday, proving that quilting has no age barrier.


Happy birthday, beautiful lady!


To complete the smiles we even enjoyed an encouraging iphone Facetime chat, face to face, with Linda in Florida. That kind of technology makes me smile.

Such excitement! How can we top that in April?

{Maybe by being able to share some good news about Linda’s post-operative results. We’re all praying for this}

 Red rose Di


  1. Hi Di, What beautiful quilts you and your ladies are making. How many jelly rolls does each quilt need to make it? And that beautiful lady who celebrated her 87th birthday, wow, she is so lovely and looks no where near her age. Such a kind smile she has.
    How are you Di? Hoping that things are going okay in your world. hugs from across the ditch. xx

  2. What a beautiful, beautiful group! There is never, ever, anything better than a group of heart filled quilters making quilts for a wonderful cause like this! Many, many blessings to all of you for all that you do. You inspire us all over again with your love of quilting and giving!

  3. What a clever bunch you are. Happy birthday, Margaret.

    I got my first Blanket of Love finished in time to host "Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday" yesterday.


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