
Thursday, February 14, 2013

St Mark’s Quilter, Di C, take a bow!

Christmas this year was extra special for my friend Robbie, who sews with us each month in the English Quilt group.  She welcomed a new little grandson into the world!

A tiny bub, he was 10 and a half weeks early, and in rather a hurry to enjoy his first Christmas, so he timed his entrance for maximum impact, on Christmas Eve, just as the doctors were skipping out the door with visions of champagne and prawns dancing in their heads (hey, that’s how we celebrate here in Australia).

There was no room at the inn in the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, so he was transferred to Royal Prince Alfred’s unit, which just happens to be where we in another of my quilt groups, St Mark’s Quilters, send our Blankets of Love. When I heard this I hardly dared hope that he might receive one of our baby quilts, knowing that several other groups also donate quilts – but look, he has!


I’m glad I have a “gallery” of photos recording our quilts with their makers’ names. [See those tabs up the top of the page?] It was so easy to scroll through and find that this cute owl quilt was #33, made by …. (drumroll) …. Di C!

St Marks' Quilters - June 2010 015


We already receive enormous satisfaction just making these Blankets of Love, but it gives us real cause for excitement when we discover that we have a connection with the family of a tiny recipient.

And it’s even more exciting to be able to report that this little fellow is doing so well under the expert care he’s receiving at RPA (and, no doubt, the cheery quilt made by Di C) that he might even go home soon.


Awww, don’t you just love warm fuzzy stories like this?


Red rose Di


  1. So nice to get the personal update on a special baby, who has overcome such big hurdles at the start of their life. Best wishes to Robbie's grandson on the start of a long and healthy life, I am sure his parents will always treasure that quilt as a symbol of hope and the wonder of modern medical care (and prayers).

  2. That is such a wonderful special story!! That is a sweet little baby truly wrapped in love!

  3. You're so smart to take the time, being diligent about photographing quilts before they're sent out. This is precisely the reason for doing that! I am so happy for Di C to know her quilt went to this sweet little guy. It's gotta make Robbie feel pretty special too. This is totally wonderful!

  4. It's a gorgeous quilt and a wonderful story!


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