
Saturday, May 5, 2012

…far more than rubies?


A wife of noble character who can find?

She is worth far more than rubies.

[Proverbs 31:10]

Comparisons are odious, and I would never presume to compare myself to the surprisingly modern model of a wife described in the final verses of the book of Proverbs.

It’s true I make quilts and ‘she makes coverings for her bed’ [Verse 22].

I enjoy knitting and ‘she selects wood and flax and works with eager hands’ [Verse 13].

She even ‘sees that her trading is profitable and her lamp does not go out at night’ [Verse 18]. Does staying up late playing on eBay count? No? Didn’t think so.

Even worse, while Solomon’s paragon of virtue ‘gets up while it is still dark’ [Verse 15], I usually have to be dug out from beneath the covers once the sky lightens, and I’m an epic failure when it comes to not eating ‘the bread of idleness’. Give me a mug of coffee and a Google Reader full of blog posts and I can waste time with the best of ‘em.

Worth far more than rubies? Not this little black duck Eye rolling smile 

Yet look what my darling husband gave me to mark our 40th (Ruby) wedding anniversary today – a golden Pandora bead with three rubies.




After a small dinner with good friends at Di B’s home last night we’re enjoying a home-cooked lamb roast-for-two tonight, cooked by aforesaid hubby, and contemplating God’s amazing grace in keeping us together for 40 years.


For my part I’m also grateful to my wonderful husband for his amazing grace in loving me over all these years.



  1. Congratulations you lovebirds! Forty years is a milestone, though you both look as if it's been a walk in the park. Gorgeous pictures of an extremely handsome couple! It's wonderful to know you've been well-treated by Di B., and your gems from Boak are beautiful. My belated wishes for decades more of wedded bliss. That's certainly achievable being the Proverbs 31 woman you are!

  2. Congratulations on 40 years! It certainly is a milestone. My husband and I will celebrate 40 years in September.

  3. Congratulations; how wonderful. You are a shining example to your parishioners and to the world at large.


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