
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Well, just look at that - It’s the Cat in the Hat!


Di B’s made a quilt,

She’s been very busyIMG_7685

It’s bright and it’s fun

And it’s not at all tizzyCat in the Hat Quilt 2012 004

The Cat in the Hat

Is the theme of this stunnerCat in the Hat Quilt 2012 005

For little Francesco

It couldn’t be funner!IMG_7691



(Not Di B)


  1. Linda from Iowa says,"It's so darling! So cute!"
    "Now jump on a cat and play a purple flute!"

  2. They are fantastic. I have been reading Edward Dr seuss books since he was born, and I think I love them more than he does. But just in the last couple of weeks we have started on the famous "The cat in the hat". These quilts are amazing

  3. Cute, cute, cute! What child wouldn't love this? blessings, marlene

  4. It was so nice to meet you in Sydney. Your blog is great. Your quilts are gorgeous. Cissa.

  5. It was very nice to meet you in Sydney. Your blog is great and your quilts are gorgeous. CK

  6. It think you're a very busy lady these days, so I hope I haven't added to your stress by telling you that I'm passing the Liebster Blog award on to you. Please visit my blog to see my post about it.

  7. Love it! I too am working on a quilt with Cat in the Hat theme. Glad to have found you thanks to Linda@FlourishingPalms.

  8. I think your poetry got caught up in the quilt! LOL


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