
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our bus was 'attacked' on the Golan Heights

... With a slushy snowball, and we laughed and cheered!

Being the target of a snowball fight was all part of the fun of driving into the Druze village of Mas'ada, at the very top of the Golan Heights, in a snow storm.

Somehow our wonderful driver managed to carefully negotiate the narrow road, even when another tour bus passed in the opposite direction, the faces of the passengers looking ghostly through the fog.

We made a brief stop and a few adventurous types hopped out for photos by the side of the road.

Then it was time to beat a retreat lest we found ourselves snowed in for the night :-)

Not half an hour's drive from here we had passed mango trees and banana plantations. What a remarkable country!

1 comment:

  1. I'm grinning, and feeling very satisfied that you've had a good taste of winter. You're all troopers!


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