
Friday, March 2, 2012

The moods of the sea

After our early morning sail on the Sea of Galilee it was fascinating to see how the sea and the skies changed over the course of the day, as we moved from place to place around the edge of the lake.

Firstly the Mount of the Beatitudes, then Tabga where Jesus fed the 5,000 (more like 20,000 since they didn't count women and children) with just 5 loaves and 2 fish.

When we reached the Church of the Primacy, built on the little beach where Jesus appeared to Peter after his resurrection and told him to 'feed my sheep', the wind was blustery and there were white caps on the waves.

Between rain showers, though, the sun still shone brightly.

We found a sheltered spot on the beach for a short service of Holy Communion, made more special with a simple bread roll from Tiberias, wine from Cana and a Hebron glass cup we bought in Jericho.

It was only a short drive to Capernaum, with its 2nd century synagogue just a hop, skip and a jump from the lakeshore.

By the time we were homeward bound to our Tiberias hotel the skies were leaden and the rain was falling steadily.

The shots above show (top to bottom) the Sea of Galilee at Ginossar Kibbutz where we set sail in a traditionally styled boat, the seashore in front of the Church of the Primacy (dark sky to the left of us, bright sky to the right), and the beach at Capernaum.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That Hebron glass cup is amazing! Even though you said "bread roll" my brain still expected flat bread!


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