
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wadi Rum (2)

We dropped in for afternoon tea with a group of Bedouin, and while some of us took a camel ride others reclined in the tent with glasses of warm, spicy herb tea.

Here's Bev with her camel. And there's that woman who always seems to get into the action when there's a whiff of adventure in the air.

Julia and Elizabeth took tea in the tent.

Boak with our fabulous guide, Omar.

Still more to come!


  1. Haha!!! Look at you, Di!!! What a great visit that must have been.

  2. Hi Di, I'm loving your photos and following your travels, especially the surprise of seeing Boak with Omar who was also our guide on our last trip to Jordan in 2010. It's so strange to see everyone rugged up rather than sweltering. Keep them coming


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