
Friday, February 17, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge Day 16–Something new (times two!)

Fresh to my mailbox from the lovely folk over on the other side of the world at Book Depository – two inspirational books on how to turn leftover fabric strips  into some of the most imaginative scrap quilts I’ve ever seen.


As a compulsive scrap-keeper I’m itching to try out those strippy triangles in Emily Cier’s Scrap Republic, and I’ve already started stripping …er…cutting my strips for the Picket Fence quilt pattern in Elsie Campbell’s String Quilts after seeing this version Linda’s making.


When will I show you mine? Let me surprise you one day Be right back



  1. I love how you incorporate quilting into your photo of the day project when you can!! These look like fun books. I have been getting scrap quilting books from the library and I just love going through them, over and over again.

  2. Oh, oh, you are enabling - stop it, stop it!


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