
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge Day 25 - Green

We've been blessed with our weather so far. Just a couple of days before we arrived in Jordan it snowed in Petra and the site had to be closed, but as you've seen the skies quickly cleared and we've had perfect conditions for sightseeing.

Israel is as green as can be, and wild red anemones and yellow mustard flowers make bright splashes of colour on the roadside.

When we visited the Biblical nature reserve of Neot Kedumim near Tel Aviv yesterday afternoon we saw hundreds of miniature cyclamen in clumps, as well as apple and almond blossom.

These views from Megiddo, looking over the Jezreel Valley, will give you some idea of the fresh green fields of barley, fennel and other crops.

And just because I like colour, here are a couple more snaps of flowers I couldn't resist. This statice was growing wild near the Roman theatre at Caesarea Maritima.

And these (we call them red hot pokers at home) were growing in the garden at the monastery on Mount Carmel, the site where Elijah and his God triumphed in his face-off with the prophets of Baal.

Kind of appropriate, don't you think, when the challenge was to see whose God would be first to light the sacrificial fire.

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