
Thursday, January 12, 2012

The kindness of quilters … yet again

Back at the end of August Sarah of The Last Piece made a very special request for quilt blocks. The lovely Amy of Mrs Schmenkman Quilts had sadly just lost her husband Dan, and like many quilters around the world who had followed Amy’s blog and admired her work, it was a pleasure for me to contribute blocks for the two quilts Sarah planned to make for her and her daughter Anabel.


The blocks are supposed to look like the bass lines on a stereo, and we were asked to use Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Such a simple concept, and with Kaffe’s fabrics how could these blocks not look fresh and vibrant?


Over the last few months Sarah’s been busy piecing together the blocks, in between her other commitments. She received more than 160 blocks, exactly enough for the two quilts with two to spare, and now you can see Anabel’s very pretty quilt top here on The Last Piece. I even spotted my block!

Apart from representing an incredibly generous outflowing of love for Amy and her daughter by the worldwide quilting community, these quilts are a credit to Sarah.

She’s now looking for someone in Australia who would be willing to donate the machine quilting on one or both of the quilts. Could that be you?


1 comment:

  1. Oh,how wonderful! the blocks look gorgeous. I wish I could help. If I ever get that machine to behave on my quilting frame, I might learn how to quilt!


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