
Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Life – and a new kind of camera

Until recently our garden has been distinctly lacking in colour and very wintery-looking indeed.
Up close, though, there’s plenty of fresh new growth to be seen as this week we’ve been basking in springtime sunshine and daytime temperatures creeping up into the low 20s Celsius.
Rectory Garden - July 2011
There’s even been some of this –  our first spray of jasmine with its heady perfume.
At my mother’s house the magnolia is bursting into bloom.

My brother, an expert photographer, took far better photos of this magnolia but unfortunately I can’t share them with you because they’re in 3D!
I’d never heard of a 3D camera until he showed us his yesterday (and you know how I like to know about these “toys” Smile)
Hmmm… maybe I need to do a little research.
Here it is...


  1. Pictures of your house are lovely. Really! Everything looks so green, even without other colors. I'd be embarrassed to show you what our yard's looking like these days... brown and crunchy! Most of the neighbor's yards look the same, unless they have a sprinkler system. Your colors are coming up beautifully though, and I can nearly inhale the remembered scent of that wonderful jasmine.

    I'm not familiar with a 3D camera, but why can't you post a picture from it? Would I need special glasses to view it properly?

  2. OH my goodness! Di, your house is beautiful!!

    So. . . do you have to wear those glasses to look at pictures taken with a 3-D?

  3. lovely...our good old US southern weather just does not lend itself towards gardens/yards like this...I remember being in England and Europe years ago and being amazed by the lush foliage...thanks for sharing!
    Blessings, Kathy

  4. Your garden looks wonderful!! I love all those flowers photos! Our neighbourhood has beautiful flowering magnolias!! But mine hasn't flowered so I had a closer look yesterday and saw that the possum has eaten the buds off!! Not Happy! But still at least I can enjoy other's magnolias. I'm looking forward to smelling the jasmine!

  5. I'm loving the little 'snippet' of the picture of your house! I'm going to have to peruse your archived posts for more pictures of it! Your gardens are blooming beautifully. Never heard of a 3D camera.......oh, boy! A new toy!


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