
Thursday, July 28, 2011

A little unfinished business…

More chocolate-fuelled creativity from the English Quilt girls’ get-together last week.

This sumptuous wool-embroidered blanket isn’t something Gail just whipped up this month, but as a treasured creation of hers from a few years back it’s an elegant “show and tell”.








Rae is one of those quilters I really admire – a finisher! Here she is patiently hand-quilting her absolutely enormous Japanese quilt.





Anne and Jill enjoyed their stitching.


And so did Gail, our hostess. Wendi escaped before I could take her photo – next time, Wendi.


In other news, I’m making slow progress on latest hand-pieced quilt. Maybe it’s because of the sunglasses I need to wear when I work on it Hot smile


Bright, isn’t it?


If I sound as if I’m in a hurry, I am. Di B and I are leaving Sydney and jetsetting off to the Melbourne Quilt and Craft Fair at 7am tomorrow, hoping to meet up with some friends I’ve only met on the internet! We’ve known each other for years, but this will be the first time we’ve met in person – such excitement!

I’m feeling so fancy-free I’ve made this little piece of frivolity to wear on my overcoat. Lovely Wonderland scissors fabric by MoMo, and one of my very favourite selvages.

Will I look like a quilter, do you think?


Perhaps I’ll team it with my selvage bag.

Selvedge bag 3-1

Watch out, Melbourne – “Team Di” is on the way Open-mouthed smile (down and back in a day).




  1. Have a great day, you 2! (I know you will) Quite envious, not only that you are going to the show, but that you also get to meet those online friends we share! :)))

  2. Di I am just in awe of that embroidery. It is exquisite! I love embroidery but my very best will never compare to that. Love the frivolity for your overcoat - I want to remember to do that! blessings, marlene

  3. I loved seeing all your friends and their amazing work! How fun that lying flying down for the quilt show and meeting bloggy friends, and seeing all those gorgeous quilts! I didn't think your new quilt was too bright at all.. Lol, you know I like my brights. :-)

  4. I forgot to say I love your selvedge accessories!

  5. I love your selvage bag....can you please tell us where you got the pattern? I would love to make a backpack but havent found a pattern I like to date! Hope you had fun in Melbourne, as a ex Victorian I really miss going to this show...November is such a blah time to go to the Adelaide one, too close to Christmas distractions! Happy quilting, Sue SA.


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