
Friday, June 10, 2011

We’re a family of iPad tragics

Jackand Daddy

I just had to share this photo of Jack at 10 weeks old watching his first Apple keynote address with his Daddy, a fan of all things Apple.

I wonder when he’ll get his first app…

His 4 year old cousin loves to play with that naughty Talking Tom, as well as the Disney Princess Dress-up Sticker Book app on my iPad.

But the most surreal iPad experience I’ve had was last Saturday night, around midnight.

I was tucked up in my warm bed with my iPad (nicknamed the DiPad) reading all the latest postings by my blogging friends when a text message came through on my mobile phone from halfway around the world.

Sarah with Meerkats1

It was from Sarah – did I tell you my daughter’s currently at the Kalahari Meerkat Project in South Africa?

She was sitting on a dune in the Kalahari Desert, the only place for miles around where she can get 3G reception, uploading photos to Facebook, when her iPad had shut down.

Looking down at a black screen she was having a quiet panic, Apple stores being in seriously short supply in the Kalahari Desert, and needed some advice. (Ah, you always need your Mum…)

Sarah with Meerkats2

Mum’s Help Desk did a quick Google on the DiPad, as I snuggled down under the covers, and came up with the solution which was swiftly conveyed by return text message to the bereft Sarah.

Hold down the Home button and the Power button simultaneously for 5 seconds.

Sarah with Meerkats3

It worked!!! And she called me a legend!

So now it’s official. I have it in writing, at least in a text message on my phone Smile

Now this legend is off to play Words with Friends on the DiPad. Game, anybody?


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