
Friday, March 4, 2011

I wish I could show you what I’m working on…

IMG_9108More secret squirrel stitching going on here today.  All will be revealed quite soon though Smile
For now I’m just surfacing to share with you some more cleverness by my non-blogging quilting friends.
Like Sue’s version of Kaffe’s Bordered Diamonds.
The pattern is in his book “Simple Shapes Spectacular Quilts” – see my Amazon widget on the right.IMG_9050
 See the pretty pink hexy quilt in this Good Housekeeping article?
Rae made it for her daughter Jane, the former Fashion Director of GH, who proudly showed it off as part of her very stylish – chic and cheerful -  London apartment.
It’s entirely hand pieced and quilted, as is Rae’s latest finished quilt, Whirligig (from a Sue Ross pattern).  Just stunning!
                                  IMG_9096    IMG_9094     IMG_9093
Back to work for me now!


  1. Might that "squirrel stitching" be for a new little bub due to arrive this month? Whoever it's for, it's very pretty!

  2. Wowow! The diamonds and the Whirligig both take my breath away. Tell those gals they're stunning! Can't wait to see what you're doing with your "squirrel" quilt. Teasing us! ;D


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