
Thursday, February 3, 2011


I took my ‘DiPad’ to bed and followed Cyclone Yasi’s progress, like so many fellow Australians, on ABCNews 24 until  I nodded off in the early hours of the morning. I woke to the news that there had been massive destruction to North Queensland overnight.

Banana and sugar cane crops have been razed to the ground, houses have been unroofed and walls blown away, boats have been lifted out of the sea and left high and dry in the middle of the street, and trees have been shredded as if by a giant blender.

However not one life was lost in Cyclone Yasi’s fury – and one precious new life joined us in the early hours of the morning when a little baby girl was delivered safely in an evacuation centre.

Thank you, God, for this small mercy.

I’m grateful, too, for friends around the world who care, and praying especially for those living in the Midwest of the USA experiencing huge snowstorms and freezing temperatures. For days my computer’s weather widget has been telling me Linda in Des Moines, Iowa has been shivering with a maximum of minus 20 degrees and more!! Yet she has shown concern for her blog friends here in Oz. Please stay warm and safe, Linda.

It seemed so appropriate, then, that I found Pinky’s blog post this morning. She’s resolved to write about one thing for which she feels grateful each week, and I’m delighted to join her starting with today’s post.


Will you join her too?

Jenny of Elefantz lives in Charters Towers, close to Ayr, in the path of Yasi, and along with all her blog friends I’m anxiously waiting to hear that she is safe. The wrote eloquently of her feelings facing the unknown in this blog post yesterday.

Jenny has designed a beautiful Block of the Month project with a difference, called “Give Thanks” and I’ve put it on my definite To Do list for this year.image

Finally, I’m grateful to Bec for winning my little auction (Stella the sock monkey) for the Queensland Flood Appeal. Have you seen how much the blogging crafters’ community raised altogether - $99.089!!!

Stella can’t stop telling me how much she loves life at Bec’s house.

photo Stella always was a bit of a chatterbox, but it looks as if little Miss A has found a way to shut her up for a while!

Thank you :-))

1 comment:

  1. Jenny of Elefantz emailed to say she's safe... very tired, and with a mess to clean up, but safe. I read where THREE babies were born during Yasi. Isn't that something!?

    What a precious picture of Miss A and Stell. How cute that Miss A has found a way to keep Stella quiet... and Stella doesn't even seem to mind. Good on you Di, for making and auctioning Stella.

    (Wish I had a Di-Pad...)


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