
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

That just tops it off!

Very clever quilt designer and teacher, Chris Jurd of Patchwork Fundamentals, has sent me an award – and it’s PINK!
Her blog is full of simply beautiful quilts created by her and by the quilters she nurtures and encourages in her classes, so I’m humbled (and happy) that she sees my blog as a beautiful one with ‘that little bit extra’.
The rules of the Cherry on Top Award are that I must tell you three things I like, and then share the love by awarding this badge to three blogs i like.
Just to be different (did you say ‘difficult’?) I’ll nominate the blogs first.
Linda’s Flourishing Palms blog is chock full of quilty inspiration, clever tutorials and family updates. Even if you don’t know her as well as I do you’ll be firm friends in no time. Linda just loves to share her talents, and her enthusiasm for Stitchin’ Mission, the quiltmaking course she teaches to church groups, is infectious . I caught the bug!
Rita’s Red Pepper Quilts blog is always one of the first I open. She designs and makes quilts that are fresh, crisp and zingy, using lots of white backgrounds to make her simple designs just POP! Just quietly, I don’t think she sleeps - she seems to have a new quilt to share on her blog almost every week, most  of them destined for her Etsy shop.
Then there’s retromummy Corrie, a quilter whose total honesty, sense of humor and heartfelt faith make her blog about bringing up four little children (including twins and the cutest newborn you’ve ever seen) a joy to read.
[Rita and Corrie are both taking part in a very special auction to raise funds to help victims of the disastrous floods in Australia right now. The Queensland Flood Appeal Auction is being organised by Toni of Make it Perfect (see my button). Currently 9 dead and 66 folk missing. To think that this time 2 years ago we were praying for the victims of fierce bushfires that ravaged central Victoria. Floods or fires, summer in Australia can often bring natural disasters on a huge scale, and again we are united in our efforts to help as best we can.]
What else do I like?
I like hand quilting, watching the pattern and texture appear as I make my stitches, and I’m finding enormous satisfaction and relaxation when I have time to work on my latest quilt, Whirligig.IMG_8787
I like love cuddles with the Princess! (my little granddaughter)IMG_8551  
Lastly I like blogging (can’t you just tell?). When I see something beautiful that one of my friends has made, or get the giggles about something a bit silly, find myself in awe of God’s wonderful creation, or even surprise myself when a project turns out just the way I imagined it – I’m never without someone to whom I can say “Hey, take a look at this!”
But that’s just the beginning. Opening my Inbox and seeing comments from dear friends  around the world (most of whom I’ve never met face to face) gives me such a thrill!  It’s the ‘icing on the cake’.
So that makes Chris’s  generously bestowed award the ‘cherry on top’!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this honor, Di. And I'm in such distinguished company! How exciting to be a chosen one, which we all know we are anyway, right? But this one is simply for fun, and I sure appreciate it.

    Your Princess is as precious as can be. That smile says it all.


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