
Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bowtie Quilt ~ all wrapped up!


Regular readers will remember that last year our friend Alicia asked Di B and me if we would make a quilt for her partner (and our friend)Ian who is currently separated from us all working in another city.

She chose scrappy bowties after seeing this photo, on my blog, of a quilt I had made for my father.


But Ian’s were to be totally different!


Alicia, Di and I were like kids in a candy store as we went shopping for FQs that illustrated Ian’s hobbies, his professional life, travels and loves.

We raided our stashes for bright, fun “just because” fabrics as well, and Linda was even in on the fun. Once we’d sent her the white-on-white background fabric she wasted no time in whipping up 18 blocks for us. Clever girl that she is, she even found fabric with a map of North Carolina (where Ian spent time as an exchange student) and Des Moines (where she lives).

Four months and 150 bowtie blocks later we gave the quilt to Ian.


I think he liked loved it, don’t you?


IMG_8518  It was a joy to make, from start to finish!


  1. I think he loved it and I think he is a very lucky person!!

  2. Hi, I've come via Chris's Patchwork Fundamental blog. That Bow Tie Quilt is truly joyous!! stunning!!

  3. It WAS a joy to make blocks, Di! I'm honored you would include me for that little contribution. You and Di B. made it spectacular! I love seeing Ian with it, and looking at it from various angles. Wonderful!

  4. Wow - looks great! Between you and Frogdancer I'm tempted to learn how to quilt myself!


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