
Monday, December 13, 2010

A little Christmas bling

Not much stitching happening here, as the happy round of Christmas break-ups and end-of-year get-togethers is in full swing.

However this little Christmas brooch I put together on the weekend is a rather special exception.

IMG_8386 IMG_8375 IMG_8369 I made it as a gift for my sister, and was delighted to hear it’s arrived in time for the tennis girls’ Christmas party tomorrow – and even more chuffed that she loves it!



  1. Very festive! I also like the little waving gingerbread men - cute!

  2. Love it! Love it! Let's see more bling please!

  3. Well done, and its really great the the broach got there in time for the Tennis party. Just beautiful, must get some tips on making one of these. XXX Di


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