
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An Advent Calendar made with love – and laughter!

Twenty of St Mark’s craftiest ladies got together last night to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and create an Advent calendar from a kit.

There were plenty of delicious biscuits, sweets and chocolates, and Christmas music (heard occasionally above the laughter) as we snipped and glued, sliced and taped, and generally had a wonderful time together.

IMG_8277 Sorting the cow’s horns from the sheep’s legs was a challenge for some of us, and I confess I’m very definitely more at home with a rotary cutter and fabric than a craft knife. IMG_8267 But it didn’t matter - “rustic” was the look most of us went for!IMG_8284

IMG_8285 Is that a moustache on the sheep??

In the end we each took home a very individual Advent calendar, made with lots of love – just in time to start opening the windows tomorrow!IMG_8287

Christmas is coming!IMG_8283 [Some Advent calendars were a little more “individual” than others. Take a look at the eyes on this cow!]


  1. So cute and I just love Henri ze French sheep with his moustache

  2. They were designed by an Australian married to a Frenchman! Glad you had fun doing them.

  3. These are so cute. I have been doing some looking for an advent calendar myself for my little one to have.

  4. What a fun idea for a get-together. It looks like such a good time. Love the mustachio-ed cow. He's quite debonair! Oo la la.

    Have a blessed Advent.


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