
Friday, October 1, 2010

New life

Burnished  shoots are topping our hedge,  the air is sweet with perfumed cumquat blossom, the birds nest fern uncurls its fresh new leaves and the rhododendron buds are plump with the promise of spring blooms.

Rectory garden - Spring 2010

In spectacular fashion the wisteria has been transformed from its winter tangle of bare twigs into a  cascade of purple.IMG_7924 But that’s not the only new life growing here. 

Taaa daaah!Top.bmp  Here’s the first picture of our new grandbaby, just 14 weeks gestation and little more than 2 inches long (and already sucking a thumb). 

This little bub is the first for my elder son and his wife, but we’re going to have to wait until “Elvis” arrives next March to find out if The Princess is to have a boy or girl cousin.

I predict a flurry of quilt-making and knitting over the next few months. Heaven :-))


  1. Congratulations, a new grandbaby, how lovely! You will have such fun quilting and knitting for him/her.

  2. Love the new shoots and the new life.

    Congratulations to all.


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