
Friday, September 3, 2010

..and more beading!

This time the clever crafty person is my friend, Di, who made this delicate hydrangea wallhanging to match the birthday quilt she made for her mum, Margaret.  

Fancy machine quilting and some strategically placed beads make it something rather special, don't you think?

But wait, there's more!  Di combined some hydrangea leftovers with sunshine yellow florals to make a cover for Margaret's Kindle.  That girl's such an over-achiever :-))

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1 comment:

  1. Tell that overachiever that her work is gorgeous! She's done a fabulous job with her free-motion quilting. Picked it up rather quickly, I'd say! Now when is she going to have her OWN blog to keep us updated on her finished pretties?


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