
Sunday, August 15, 2010

It’s officially open!

IMG_7465 The sparkling new, state-of-the-art KU Marcia Burgess Autism Specific Early Learning & Care Centre at Liverpool was officially opened yesterday morning, and look who was there.IMG_7461L to R – Margaret, Marjorie, Di, Di, and Di (no, my keys aren’t sticking – there really are three of us!)
IMG_7488           We were joined by Ruth (far left), Louise (4th from the left) and Cath (far right)

Marcia Burgess was a friend of ours, a dear lady very much involved in our church family, who worked for more than 50 years with KU Children’s Services ensuring that allchildren, particularly those with special needs, were able to access high quality childhood education and care. She died three years ago, and her work has been honoured by KU naming this new kindy after her.

It’s been a whole year since Di B and I first dreamed of continuing Marcia’s legacy by providing a quilt for every child who would be enrolled at the kindy.

With a grand total of TWO quilters in our congregation (us) it seemed like an impossible dream last August, but with much prayer and the help of Linda Hungerford and her wonderful Stitchin’ Mission – 5 weekly beginner quiltmaking classes – St Mark’s now has 23 more quilters and a new group, St Mark’s Quilters.

We’ve held two huge quilt displays in the church, at Christmas and Pentecost, and our stash of quilts now numbers almost 90!

In addition, one of our quilters, Averil, facilitated a train of events resulting in Westfield donating $50,000 to the kindy.IMG_7459  
There were a few happy tears shed yesterday when Di B and I officially handed over the quilts and were surprised by a beautiful, framed certificate of appreciation from the kindy staff and children.

We hope the children love all their quilts, but especially this one.  Little Chloe made this miniature quilt at Stitchin’ Mission classes with her mummy, Debbie, and next week as they play in dolly’s corner the children will have a bright new quilt to keep their dolly warm :-))

  Debbie 3IMG_7484
It’s our prayer that, as each child snuggles into the softness of our quilts, they will feel all the love that has gone into them.


  1. WOW that is just too cool. Thanks for such a detailed a beautiful post Di.....well done to all of you.

  2. Beautiful post, Di! How wonderful that the children have those quilts, and so nice to see your dream achieved. Warms the heart. :)

  3. Di, I teared-up reading through your blog post. Goodness, what a journey God sent us on - together - and look what He's done with us - all of us! I am always profoundly moved and blessed when I see what He can do with us - mere, sinful mortals that we are. And the monetary donation just heaps on more blessings. It's a beautiful gift you've all made, and will continue to do. Bless everyone in St. Mark's Quilters. You are wonderful.

  4. I have heard about the project through Di Bracey. Congratulations to all involved. A brand new KU kindy in Marcia's honour and all these beautiful quilts. I do feel very moved by your story. It's a beautiful one. Heidi Cerexhe

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful day. I wish I could have been there as I had planned. The centre looks amazing and I am sure the quilts will look amazing in it!


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