
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Clever friends, clever Snap Happy bags!

The idea of using pieces of metal carpenters’ tape to create a snappy bag closure is just ingenious!Linda's Snap Happy bagWhen my friend Di B saw this  cute little Snap Happy bag that Linda had made for Gail she wasted no time getting this pattern and trying it out for herself. Snap Happy bags 001

Di has the largest stash of novelty fabrics in the southern hemisphere, so finding these delicious fabrics was easy!

Snap Happy bags 002

Now we all know where Di keeps her choccies!

I’ve bought the tape measure, and plan to try it out for myself soon. 

One tip I’ve read elsewhere, though, is to be sure not to let go of the cut end of the tape measure once you’ve snipped off your piece, without first binding it with lots of tape to make a new “handle” at the end.  It will zip back inside its casing as quick as a flash and you’ll never see it again!

1 comment:

  1. Love them! Just a thought: if you bought a tape in a plastic case, maybe you could break it open. Does the tape work out cheaper than the metal strips you buy from bag suppliers?


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