
Thursday, January 7, 2010

View from my sewing room window

It’s that time of year, isn’t it. When you just want to stop, breathe deeply and smell the roses. I know, I know, we should make time to do this all through the year. But somehow I always seem to reach the end of the year exhausted and feeling like an athlete breasting the string, with my tongue hanging out and ready for a good drink. OK forget the “athlete” thing – but you know what I mean.

January is my cool drink time, the time when I can at least try to get my chaotic life in order, and spend guilt-free time doing what I enjoy best. Quiltmaking.

But sometimes I just like to sit and gaze out the window.

Quite a few of my online friends have been sharing the view from their sewing rooms. Del has an unusual outlook. You'll love Margaret's cool, peaceful little courtyard. And Julie's garden view. And Kali's water view, with some of the Sydney to Hobart yachts in the distance. And you might feel sorry for Linda – until you see her perfectly organised sewing space!

I thought you might like to see my outlook.


From my upstairs window I can see right along the road to the church, and this day I saw guests gathering in the sunshine for a wedding.

A little later I saw something even more exciting… I ran downstairs to the garden to get a closer look.


What a fun way to transport your guests to the reception.

IMG_2772 The view from my sewing room window is never dull!

What do you see from yours?


  1. Well Di that's a London Leyland RTW built around the early 1950's. It lives in the Blue Mountains and isn't in very good repair... ask me how I know! LOL

  2. That view is as charming as can be! Restful-looking greenery, and hope for the future. Soak it in girlfriend! We're still experiencing cold, and looking at bleak winter weather - white, white, white, and blowing snow.


I love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment.