
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chester – One week post-op

Chester was very excited this morning when we clicked his lead on, and even more excited when we slipped on his car harness and slowly walked him outside into the garden, past the big tree where we usually stop for the necessary sniffs, and  all the way to the garage.  There we carefully lifted him into the back seat of the car and slipped his seat belt through his car harness.  Something was afoot! 

Yes, today was Chester’s one week check-up, and we’re delighted to say he’s doing really well.  His hip prosthesis is sitting firmly where it ought to be, thanks to Dr David’s skillful handiwork.  All our careful management is paying off so far too.IMG_2844 With Dr David’s agreement our local vet Dr Gwilym has given us slightly stronger sedatives for Chester.  In his words, Chester had only been started on the “schooner of beer” strength. 

In our words, he’s now on “a couple of stiff scotches” every few hours!

Is he more settled and mellow?  Oh yeah…


  1. Good to hear Chester is doing as well as can be expected - we'll pray that continues. A young active dog must be finding the inactivity hard to take.

  2. ooh good! Hopefully that helps.


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