
Friday, November 27, 2009

Gladness – and sadness

In an exciting little postscript to Stitchin’ Mission yesterday Di, Linda and I spent a delightful morning with Pam Holland. IMG_2301 I can’t reveal too many details of our time together just yet, except to say it involved a good deal of “show and tell” and some camera work (by all parties!) . IMG_2293 Then came the very sad part – saying goodbye to our dear friend Linda after 5 weeks of fun together. IMG_2303 Linda’s plane took off for the US at 3.30 this afternoon. The temperature here in Sydney was a toasty 29 degrees Celsius but my computer told me it was minus 2 degrees Celsius in Des Moines! Brrrr…

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time with Linda!

    Time alone with Pam Holland would be amazing!

    I can tell you have had a ball!



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