
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Armed and dangerous!

Not really.  But today’s Stitchin’ Mission class was all about rotary cutting, as we turned yardage into quilt blocks.

Concentration levels were so high that the freshly baked chocolate coconut slice was hardly touched* with our eager newbies favouring slices of a different kind.  IMG_1750 Gail, one of a team of dear friends of mine who kindly helped out as Rebekahs, helped Moo press her fabric before beginning the process.IMG_1748 Eleanor lined up her fabric so it fell nice and straight.IMG_1749 I had to teach Debbie backwards! (She is left-handed)IMG_1751 Julia and Louise worked together to cut “quarry stones” in no time.IMG_1747 And Carol enjoyed working with her rainbow cats.

Linda demonstrated an easy way to stitch together all these blocks, and everyone’s gone home to stitch up a storm this week. 

We’re expecting to see some mighty colourful quilt tops - or works in progress - next Sunday.

Are we having fun yet, ladies?  I know I am!


*OK, so I had a piece!

1 comment:

  1. We ARE having fun! It's been a great time, and I have no doubt whatsoever that we'll continue to do so. Thank you for all you are doing for set-up, take-down, and everything in between. You're wonderful!


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