
Friday, September 18, 2009

A Friday Flaunt

I'm making slow progress, but steady, on my version of Emma Jansen's beautiful Snowflake Medallion quilt, and this week has seen the completion of the hand applique on the central medallion, and the addition of a double mitred border.
I've begun work on the next border, saw-tooth stars in shades of yellow. Gosh I'm loving yellow in a quilt!

The striped leaves on the raspberry-coloured buds are actually a stronger shade than they appear here, and I'm very happy with the overall appearance of the quilt which I'm making in parallel with Linda.

We share notes, techniques and tips (though mostly I learn from her, rather than the other way round!) and while she's halfway across the world, the internet and Skype mean that she could be living right next door.

Take a look at Linda's version, using a completely different but gorgeous palette of purples, teals and greens.

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  1. Gorgeous snowflake and gorgeous colours!

  2. Di, this quilt is looking gorgeous, I'm looking forward to seeing the finish quilt with borders. Jayne

  3. The appliqué is stunning, I've seen Linda's version and have to say I love them both!

  4. Very pretty! Definitely 'your' colours, Di *grin*

  5. what a stunning quilt. can't wait to see it finished.

  6. This is lovely, have looked at this pattern and thought I might like to do it... another to add to the list of maybe one days!

  7. Di this is simply beautiful - such nice detail. blessings, marlene


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