
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Her memory lives on

Our darling Chloe might have gone to doggy heaven last month, but her memory lives on.

Back when she was young and beautiful (before she became mature and beautiful) and before she had babies, Chloe did a spot of doggy modelling for a company producing a range of dried liver treats for dogs. They must have loved her image because I still come across the tins of liver sprinkles from time to time in the pet food aisle of Woolworths or Coles here in Australia.

I found these in Coles last week and I was just so excited! Let me tell you a secret. The reason Chloe is smiling so broadly is because I was behind the cameraman jumping up and down, waving my arms in the air and gibbering, generally making a complete fool of myself. It was so worth it, don't you think?

Another wonderful memento we have is this little wallhanging that my lovely friend Di made. She's used gold-stamped fabric for the star and machine embroidered Chloe's name and the dates she was born and passed away. To complete it I wrapped a lock of her fur with a gold bow and pinned it to the corner. We have Di's thoughtful gift hanging on the wall in the room where we relax.
Nice memories!


  1. What a thoughtful friend you have in Di. She made such a lovely gift! And that Chloe was a celebrity dog is so special. Yes, you must surely miss your golden girl. Blessings.

  2. I shall keep an eye out in the pet food aisle for Chloe's picture! although we look on the 'other' side of the aisle....we have cats, no dogs.

  3. A beautiful dog and a very kind friend! blessings, marlene


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