
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It’s Tuesday and I can’t wait…

…to hop into bed with my laptop! (Do you take yours to bed too?)IMG_0998 On a cold winter’s night I just love to snuggle down and catch up with all my friends’ blog posts that my Google Reader has been saving for me through the day.  How many blogs do you follow?  What a wonderful world of creativity there is in blogland!

Then I might pop on over to Facebook to see what Lynda, Lindi, Neroli, Bec, Kate, Susan (even that smart-alec cat!) and others have been up to.  That’s always good for a laugh. 

Finally, if I’m not too sleepy, I’ll drop in on the Facebook Scrabble board and make a few moves in the dozen or so slow-burning games I have on the go – ever hopeful that my rating might at last begin to rise rather than continue the current sad downward spiral.  Just call me Pollyanna!

Then it’s “Goodnight friends”…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

[If you’d like to join in the fun of “It’s Tuesday and I can’t wait…” pop over to ButtonsByLouLou where you’ll find the rules, as well as a list of all the bloggers who are playing.]


  1. Hmm...great idea!! My husband usually has the laptop so hadn't even thought of it. Sounds great! I have too many blogs on my list - not too many really because I love it but does take a while to get through them all!

  2. You just increased my desire for a laptop!


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