
Saturday, July 25, 2009

I can’t help myself

Call me unimaginative.  Call me predictable.  Whenever anyone who means a great deal to me has a Significant Birthday just can’t think of  a more appropriate gift than a quilt.  

Nothing says “You’re special” as much as a warm, soft, handmade quilt, big enough to wrap yourself in.  Now, does it?


I’ve been slicing away for several days now, cutting strips for just such a quilt, and in case the intended recipient is reading this you’ll just have to be content with this sneak peek at the strips waiting to be stitched together.

Shhhh…..  Say no more!


  1. Great colours, a new quilt is a perfect gift no homes ever have enough

  2. I certainly agree with you on that! Love the colours. Can't wait to see a pic of the finished quilt.


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