
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Double Delight update

Not much delight here so far, I'm afraid. In fact, I'm still chopping and stitching my 'uglies' for Part 1
It was simply too mind-numbingly boring to rotary cut 120 blue squares, 360 light triangles and 120 gold triangles. So I'm doing a little cutting, a little stitching, a little pressing, a little get the picture!

I'm confident that these little square in a square blocks will look much more cheery once they have their gold/yellow triangles incorporated.

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  1. Mind-numbingly boring... what a polite person you are Di! Ggggrrrrr! I finished all my 1's then decided my gold wasn't gold enough so took them off and replaced them with a golder gold but now I will have to trim them all again... I've made my 2's but haven't trimmed and trimming is sooooooooo....
    Now if I start on my 3's before I trim the others I will have so many to trim I will end up in the same mess the trimmings make! Anyway off to tidy my workspace before I can do any or all of the above! :-) Keep up the good work!

  2. Oh what a way to spent the new year cutting up hundreds of

    Can you email me your snail mail address so you blog comp prize can be sent? Thanks


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